Civil Building Division |
Browse: Housing & Industrial constructions
Within this sector, the Company has increased its own skills thanks to the building of a number of complex structures for more than 8.000.000 mcvpp such as:
• Multifunctional Centre of Nola - Lot “G” Vulcano (designer Arch. Renzo Piano);
• New Food and Agriculture Centre of Rome;
• New Airport building in the Marco Polo Airport of Tessera - Venice;
• Golf Club of Jesolo (VE) together with the residence buildings for the golf players;
• RAI Technical Centre of Rome – Saxa Rubra;
• Centergross of Bologna, the biggest wholesale Italian market, with an indoor area of more than 420.000 square meters;
• Centro Diamante of Ferrara, the Ingro Market centre of Florence, the CIS of Nola (220.000 m²);
• National Centre for Civil protection of Rome (with an area of 160.000 m²);
• Directional centre Fiera District of Bologna designed by the architect Kenzo Tange;
• S. Benigno towers in Genoa;
• Food and agriculture centre of Bologna.
They also carried out:
• financed building interventions (Naples, Bologna and Mazara del Vallo);
• Within the school and hospital building field, many buildings belonging to the University of Cagliari; the University hospital, the medicine and surgery, Mathematics and Pharmacy University departments.